Let’s face it—today’s business world is fickle. Just think of your smart phone as an example: the minute you fall in love with it, it’s altered completely or off the market.
That’s how fast things change.
So it can go with your career. Through no fault of your own, you can find yourself on the job hunt again.
You cannot control what happens to you in this world of change. The only thing you can control is you—your thoughts and how you react to change. All confidence—including the workplace kind—comes from self control.
So, when there’s a sudden shift in your career (and your job faces the same fate as your smartphone), you need to take control. And, you need to know the corporate breakup rules.
Corporate Breakup Rule #1: Deal, Don’t Dwell
Getting laid off is a big change. Often, a painful and unwanted change. When we are faced with a major change, the natural tendency is to dwell on the past, worry about the future, doubt ourselves and get stuck.
All these emotions are natural reactions, so don’t beat yourself up over them. But when you dwell too much on the negative, it becomes problem generating.
When we dwell, we go over the same ground again and again: “Why did this happen to me?,” “What did I do wrong?,” “Will I ever be able to find another job?”
When you deal instead of dwell, you focus in the present moment and take control over how you think and act. You become a problem solver. You think empowering thoughts, ask better questions and take action. It can sound like this: “OK—I might not be comfortable with job hunting, but I’m not going to let that stop me. First I’m going to educate myself about the companies I like. Then I’m going to decide: How can I move forward?” and “Who can help me?”
You need to be able to acknowledge your fears and doubts, then turn them into planning and action. Remember—you choose your thoughts and actions. You choose what’s next.
When faced with change, always ask yourself: “What’s the next positive step I can take to move myself forward?”
Then, do it.
Corporate Breakup Rule #2: Don’t Get Caught Like a Deer in the Headlights
Life is about change. Corporate life is about more change.
The more grounded you are in your ability to navigate it all, the more confident you will be.
So, here’s corporate breakup rule #2: Don’t get caught like a deer in the headlights when change hits.
Be comfortable with change. Expect it. Prepare for it. Keep your network alive and well.
Most people get complacent once they have a job. They stop networking. They think “Why bother?”
Don’t be one of them. Even if it’s just a quick phone call or cup of coffee, keep those relationship lines open and active at all times.
- There is no such thing as job security anymore. Change is now rapid and constant.
- In this world of change, who doesn’t need more friends for support?
- More companies are hiring based on recommendations. (it’s like one big facebook out there!)
- Business development is about relationship building–so start building.
- Ask yourself, “If the unexpected happens, do I really want to look like a deer caught in the headlights?”
So—Prepare for change. Stay connected. And be reciprocal. Networking is always a 2-way street.
Now, finally, and most importantly…..
Corporate Breakup Rule #3: Never Forget Your Value
When we face downsizing, feelings of rejection run high.
We often internalize the dismissal from a company to the point that we reject our own value. We think that all our professional powers are linked to, and have been left at, our former job.
We leave feeling empty and helpless.
Don’t do this to yourself. Your value is yours and yours alone— it is a part of you, not your company, and travels with you wherever you go.
Your value is not in the time that you spent at a company, nor in the title you had. It’s in the unique talents that you bring to the table and in the results that you produce.
So, no matter what direction you choose next in your career, never, ever forget your value.
Believing in yourself and your abilities first and foremost gives you the confidence you need for navigating change. This is the most important rule you’ll ever need to achieve career success.